Study Guide
Can you answer these?
- What is the original Hebrew word translated “spirit” in the Old Testament? What are some if it meanings?
- Define the term “Holy Spirit” as used in the New Testament.
- What is the “Spirit of truth” spoke of by Jesus in John 14:16?
- How do we now the Holy Spirit given at Pentacost was a power and not a person?
- Give Bible evidence to show that the Hold Spirit power was to be withdrawn; that it was to be restored again.
- In the days of the apostles, who was able to impart the Holy Spirit by laying on of hands?
- Does anyone on Earth today perform miracles by the power of the Holy Spirit? Does this mean that God is not at work?
- Name the three visible means of the working of God’s spirit.
- Name the several invisible means of the working of God’s spirit.
- The power of the Holy Spirit that fell on the day of Pentecost was a fulfillment of what prophecy?
- Distinguish between the terms “former rain” and “latter rain.” What fell at Pentecost?
- When was the Holy Spirit power withdrawn?
- How doe God communicate with us today?
(If you need assistance in answering these questions, refer to you Bible and the pages of this lesson.)